Photolucida 2022
April 27, 2022
What a pleasure to be back to in-person reviews at Photolucida this month. Artists have been productive during covid! Some common themes emerged at the review. Mia and I saw projects on self-reflection, relationships — some broken and others strengthened during the pandemic, volcanos, the changing earth, gender roles, our relationship to possessions, lots of trash (as in actual documentation and cataloging of refuse) and projects on covid itself.
A few gems from the week:
Here is Ville Kansanen with his series Numen. He constructs surprisingly beautiful land art forms in the desert, and they feel paradoxically solid and ephemeral, material explorations of primal communion.
Paul Rider forms intricate compositions from the plastic that will outlive us all, in his series, Forever. Clear plastic nothings become a dark foreboding mass in these photograms.