Pictura Gallery

Trent Davis Bailey

August 19, 2019

Trent Davis Bailey The North Fork 10

How does one begin a new photography project? It can be daunting, even paralyzing if you’re a perfectionist (as many photographers are inclined to be.) A few ideas: Follow the scent of a strong memory. Give in to curiosity. Let the pressure off and allow for seemingly unproductive exploration. Take something personal and crack it open.

Trent Bailey followed some of these threads to the Colorado farming community where he’d visited extended family in his youth. Curiosity turned into a recurring obsession, and the North Fork emerged as a rich soil for photographs, which he tilled into a handsome project. It’s a delicate portrait of a place merged with imagination, a combination I find particularly beguiling.

To my eyes, Bailey holds out an offering to suggest that romanticism is not a dirty word, He clears a little space for something dreamy and cinematic, tinged with mystery and


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