Yola Monakhov Stockton + Jared Thorne
May 18, 2022

Redlining Buffalo, 2020
With the terrible events in Buffalo this week, many have been surprised to learn that the loss of one grocery store means that people in the community are left without access to food. Catapulted into awareness, people are scrambling and organizing to help. But what happens in a few months? Could something shift here for the long term?
Yola Monakhov Stockton + Jared Thorne formed a collaboration over the pandemic to examine the effects that the city’s redlining and racial and economic segregation have on food, education, and city resources. The photographs show available food options, without a grocery store or good transportation to reach one. I want to let the project speak in its own words, and I direct you to this excellent short piece in Image Journal for a more vivid picture, and some of the history of the issue.
The project is ongoing. See, hear and learn more about it at redliningbuffalo.org.