FAR Community Creators | Kristen Chuang

December 18, 2020| Community Creators

Meet Kristen Chuang, the multi-talented force behind Homeseed, the design, doodles & paper goods shop! In the latest installment of our FAR Community Creators series, we’ll get to know Kristen and learn more about how she started her creative side hustle, see her process using an iPad, and how she’s coping during Covid. Hint: Laughter is key — we just couldn’t stop laughing during the interview.

About the FAR Community Creators series

FCC is a video series that features a local artist and their work. The idea is that we can collectively put some good creative vibes out into our world by learning more about art happening in our community. Tune in monthly: bit​.ly/​C​o​m​m​u​n​i​t​y​C​r​e​ators